TREG BALDINGChief Revenue Officer

Treg Balding is the Chief Revenue Officer at Centro and brings 30+ years of ancillary benefits industry expertise from an executive leadership perspective.
Treg is responsible for the strategic development of Centro’s services to position the company and its team for success among client partnerships and carrier relationships. His focused long-term vision and business strategy have proven to be the key drivers to the exponential and sustainable growth of Centro.
With his strong business acumen and leadership skills, Treg oversees all aspects of Centro’s operations and sales and is responsible for the financial performance. He works in lockstep with the leadership team to advance and support internal performance expectations to meet the external needs of all stakeholders.
In addition to managing the overall business strategy and ensuring strong financial performance, Treg remains squarely focused on upholding Centro’s mission of bringing modern technology to a legacy insurance process and helping all stakeholders in the system work more effectively.